Monday 26 November 2012

Music Monday: Working at it.

This week its five songs that I'll connect to jobs I've done in the past. It will be short as I'm tired but I hate missing this here thing so lets go shall we?

BLUE HOTEL by Chris Issak (Hotel nightmare)

I did more than a few months as a night porter for very little money and no respect. I hated it, though I love this song and the album is amazing so I'll try and garner some positive thoughts for that job by connecting it to a positive emotion.

MONEY FOR NOTHING by Dire Straits (Comet Hell)

I followed the advise of a friend and followed him into a job at Comet. It was a large store, there were lots of customers and I was the new guy on the Toaster Aisle. I hated trying to sell people bloody insurance for a toaster when all they wanted was to be left alone.

It sucked,I sucked, I lasted two weeks. Not for me.

CHAIN GANG by Sam Cooke (Building bump and grind)

Working on a building site can be very hard physically. It can be a real pain when you're at the bottom of the ladder and there really isn't a way up unless you kiss a whole lot of arse or you can drive. I don't do either.

For all the aches, pains, frumps, shite days, pulled muscles and cut fingers I can say there are worse ways to earn ya pounds, just don't expect to earn many of them. Saying that I do enjoy hammering into a job, having to dig deep to complete the task and prove that for a little guy I can hang with the rest.

SIT DOWN by James (Cinema attendant)

I did three years as a cinema attendant and it wasn't shite, low paid but not shite. You probably have noticed that I haven't done anything massively skilled or well paid. That's ok, I don't mind, I just hope the next job pays better than all the rest.

The song? Seating people was one of those things we used to do and no, no-one ever wanted to sit next to someone they didn't know.

Finally we look to the future, what am I planning to do next eh? I wonder...what will the next song be? Hum...ok, I think you may have guessed it.

That's it for this week.

Thanks for popping in.

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